Monday, we were taken to Hogar de Cristo to see the Microcredit Bank in action. Monday is the day that the women have to check in, report on their financial activities of the week and make their weekly loan payment. It was so interesting to be able to sit in on this and get to talk with the women. They told us about their loans, which vary from $80 to $300, and what these loans have meant to them and their lives. The funds are used to sell pillows, blankets, and plastic ware, and to prepare food and other miscellaneous things. We were driven to visit 3 of the business that these District MicroCredit funds are helping. Boy was I proud for all of us in our District. Such a small amount can make a huge difference in the lives of these Ecuadorians.
Tuesday we spent the whole day visiting Father Simon at Isla Trinitaria. The Team each went to a separate classroom and taught, shared and visited with the teachers and children. Father Simon had a visit from the a TV news crew. A very positive article was written about him in the a magazine that came out the Sunday before we arrived. The news crew came into the classroom that I was visiting. Father Simon told the reporter about the support he receives from our District in San Diego and I was interviewed on TV regarding him and his work. I told them our Rotary foundation works under the idea of "Dar de si antes de pensar en si" and if anyone personifies that, it is definitely Padre Simon. He is always giving and never thinking of himself. It was great to have Father Simon share the story of his Paul Harris Fellowship and certificate with our GSE Team. He has it in his office for all to see.
That afternoon we met with PDG Ricardo Koenig, who gave us a very touching presentation on the work he is doing with gangs in Ecuador. I took great notes on this one for all of you. Again, Rotary in action changing lives for the better. We were all very touched with his presentation and the amazing results that he shared.
The next day I was taken to see the Rotary City that was built with enormous contribution from our District. There are over 300 homes that have become a wonderful community now 6 years later. The Club here is so proud of their work and so grateful to all of us for helping them out. They have a great school that I got to visit and are in the process of building a high school and a senior center. Again, I took great pictures for all of you.
Yesterday we spent the day visiting the community of Duran, where we visited the Rotary school Amor, Esperanza y Fe. Great project. They promote their school as being trilingual as the students there have the opportunity to learn both English and Quichua. The students performed some dances and songs for us. They sang the Ecuadorian national anthem to us in Spanish and Quichua which was amazing.
We then went to an all boys homeless shelter that our District helped out many years ago with machinery for the school's workshops. We were invited to have lunch with the boys which was so special for all of us. We all sat at different tables and had the opportunity to get to know some of the children better. I was able to have a deep discussion with 2 boys at my table and shared a lot. One boy recognized the Rotary wheel on my shirt and name tag. It was also on the machine that he works on in the workshop. It was a great experience sharing with them what Rotary means to me.
This week we got to know members of 4 more clubs in Guayaquil in addition to building stronger friendships with our friends from Puntilla and Hugo (of course). Tonight is our farewell paella dinner hosted by Rotarian Rafael and Sara Quintero. Hugo has also been telling us he has quite the surprise for us tonight - we can't wait to see what he has up his sleeve. We were told that we cannot cry as we say good bye. It is not allowed. We will see, as I fear that lots of tears will be shed.
Thank you again, to all of you who selected me and made this trip possible. On behalf of my GSE Team, thank you for this truly and unbelievable experience. It has made me even prouder to be a Rotarian and represent all of you.
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